When is Liposuction a suitable procedure?


Liposuction can improve your overall body appearance by reducing and recontouring localised collections of fat. Surgical lipectomy, which involves removal of excess skin, as well as fat, may be advised instead of, or in addition to suction lipectomy.

What results can I expect from Liposuction?


Liposuction is ideal for patients who have bulges which persist after diet and exercise. It is not a substitute for weight loss. Usually the overlying skin will contract following liposuction, however in some circumstances a further procedure to remove excess skin may also be required.

Will Liposuction leave any scars?


Patients are advised that scars are the inevitable result of any surgery. However, because the incisions with liposuction are small at usually around 1 cm, the scars are not usually significant.

Does Liposuction help with weight loss?


At your consultation, time is spent counselling all patients to make sure they understand that liposuction can be a major surgical procedure often taking many hours to perform, is not an effective weight-loss technique and does not reduce stretch marks or improve the appearance ofContinue reading

How long is my recovery post Liposuction surgery?


Liposuction is usually performed as day surgery under general anaesthesia. Post surgery dressings are usually kept intact for 1-2 weeks and strenuous activity is restricted in this time when bruising and swelling are likely to occur. A return to all normal activities is expected byContinue reading