CTS generally develops between the ages of 30 and 60 and is more common in women, with a female to male ratio of 3:1. Although there are many possible causes, the cause is unknown in most people. There is some evidence that people who developContinue reading
Is it important to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
If symptoms are mild, there may be no adverse outcome from no treatment. However, persistent and more significant symptoms may lead to permanent nerve damage, which can cause permanent loss of feeling and loss of function in the muscles that work the thumb.
Can I have keyhole Carpal Tunnel Surgery?
Not every patient is appropriate for keyhole surgery. This will be assessed and discussed at your consultation.
How long is my recovery post Carpal Tunnel surgery?
Surgery to release CTS can be performed under general or local anaesthetic and is performed as day surgery in hospital. The wound usually heals quickly and symptoms are often relieved within these first few weeks. However, any altered sensation can take many months to recoverContinue reading